Special dietary requirements
...tasty alternatives
As food intolerances and allergies can have unpleasant and sometimes very serious consequences, we fully understand how important it is to know what the food on offer contains.
If you have a food allergy or intolerance, please speak to our chef who will help to find safe and appetising alternatives for you or for your party guests.
Furthermore, gluten-free bread and lactose-free milk are always available, together with lactose-free cream (for the preparation of sauces, etc.).
Montag bis Donnerstag
ab 16 Uhr - 19 Uhr
Sonntag ab 12 Uhr - 19 Uhr
​An folgenden Tagen bleibt unser Restaurant wegen einer geschlossenen Gesellschaft geschlossen:
Im August bleibt unser Restaurant geschlossen. Vielen Lieben Dank für Ihre Treue.
Landhotel Sickinger Hof
Tel: + 49 (0) 6227 - 831 0
Mail: info@sickinger-hof.de
Web: www.sickinger-hof.de
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